Monday, June 9, 2014

Agreement to Conduct Production and Financial Management for Arab German Development Organization

This agreement is between the organization Arab German Development Organization, vendors, and liason, Market and review information submitted to the Project Manger.  All vendors analyze, finance, produce records, including household budget, statements of financial conditions and adjusted income statements.
Target is to turnover profits and assets by AGDO and liability, Energime Sustainable Technology, for materials in the plant advancing education and cash flow.  Alternative companies are evaluated as well as promoted for support by United Nations and the USGov, Department of Labor, Federal housing increasing profits and clean efficiencies.
The responsibility of the agent is to  schedule classes. make corrections, prepare materials, obtain equipment, arrange a meeting location.
AGDO is responsible for costs and fee of $500
AGDO is not responsible for the training costs.  My  3%, finders fee will be invested in the education and training costs.  All modification in the above fee , approved by the President and Project Manager of AGDO and the agent, Albertine Harris.
AGDO and Agent Albertine Harris completed assignments and training sessions.
Albertine Harris

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